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15th ISOLA CONFERENCE, 23rd, 24th Feb 2024, Bhopal
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Registration for the 15th ISOLA conference has been extended up to 21st January 2024!
Scheduled on the 23rd and 24th of February with interesting pre and post-conference events, the conference promises to be an interesting mix of talks, workshops, and paper presentations!!
Please find the link below for registering for the conference!
The Indian Society Of Landscape Architects warmly invites you to the 15th Conference Landscapes of Coexistence to be held in Bhopal from 23rd -24th February 2024.
The conference theme of Co-existence aims to emphasise the fundamental role of sustainabledevelopment in maintaining the health, productivity, and stability of biodiversity within the natural and manmade systems crucial for continuing all life on this planet. Biodiversity ensures that ecosystems have the resilience to adapt to environmental changes. The conference on Landscapes of Co-existence will serve as a platform to exchange ideas, expertise and innovative solutions. It callsupon fellow Landscape Architects, Policy Makers, Urban and Rural Planners, Environmentalists, Researchers and, most importantly, the Public, to come together and shape a future where thedevelopment and the biodiversity conservation go hand in hand. By adopting practices that prioritizeco-existence, we can create cities and villages, that not only meet human needs but also sustaintherich tapestry of life on our planet. The conference at Bhopal aims to ignite a collective commitment to preserving biodiversity amidst urban and rural growth.
The Indian Society of Landscape Architects ( ISOLA) declares its 15th Conference to be held in Bhopal from 23rd to 24 th February 2024, with Pre-conference rendezvous on 22nd February and Post Conference Tours to the two World Heritage Sites around the historic city. The conferenceisdesigned to explore the theme , “ Landscapes of Coexistence” through four sub-themes: Manifestations, Renditions, Evaluation and Direction. The aim is to ignite collective commitment topreserving biodiversity, and thereby livabilty and wellness concepts inbuilt in our plans for theurbanand rural growth. The two days comprise of intense sessions that include Talks by eminent Speakers, walks, paper presentations, workshops, intangible manifestations, panel discussions, product andtechnology displays. It is also an occasion of coming together and interaction among thefellowLandscape Architects, Policy Makers, Urban and Rural Planners, Environmentalists, Researchers and, most importantly, the Public, to shape a future where the development and the biodiversityconservation go hand in hand, thereby sustaining the rich tapestry of life on our planet



Conference Schedule
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