REG NO:-INDIAN SOCIETIES ACT 1860 SEC 21 NO-9557 PUBLIC TRUST ACT 1950 Under Bombay Act. SEC 29. NO-10
1. Name
The name of the Society will be “ Indian Society of Landscape Architects”(ISOLA)
2. Registered Office
The Registered Office of the Society shall be situated at Ahmedabad, in the state of Gujarat
3. Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of the Society are:
- To promote a high standard of professional service in application of the art and science of Landscape Architecture/ Landscape Design as a whole.
- To promote and conserve natural resources/environment/ landscape, recognizing their responsibilities to the community as a whole, both for the present and succeeding generations
- To consider all the questions affecting and relating to the practice of landscape architecture/landscape design and to intimate and watch over the measures affecting or likely to affect professional practice of Landscape Architecture/Landscape Design, and to influence changes of land amendments in the law or any other legal amendments relating to or affecting landscape design/ landscape architecture/ environmental design/ planning.
- To hold conferences/seminars, meetings, and /or exhibitions for discussion and the exchange of information on the problems affecting or relating to landscape design/landscape architecture/environmental design/planning.
- To ascertain and notify the law and practice relevant to the landscape designer/landscape architect, and to compile, collect, revise, print and publish statistics, professional records or periodicals relating to any of the objective of the Society.
- To amalgamate or combine or act temporarily or otherwise in conjunction with any other body or bodies, or Society having like or similar objectives.
- To organize and participate in camps, seminars, courses, excursions, meetings, conferences and other activities within the scope of the Society.
- To accept any gift, endowments or bequest made to or for the Society and to carry and fulfill the trust attached to any such gift or endowment.
- To frame and maintain a Code of Professional Ethics and to ensure its observance through self-regulatory measures.
- To undertake such other projects, programmes and activities, which are incidental and conducive to the attainments of the above objective
- To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any real estate property and any rights or privileges which the Society may think necessary or convenient, and in particular any land, buildings or works, and to construct, maintain and alter any building or works of the Society. The said property will only be used to attain the objectives of the society and relation with the laws applicable.
- To sell, let, mortgage, dispose of or turn to account all or any of the property, rights or privileges of the Society.
- To do all such lawful things as are incidental to, conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
- The Society shall work regardless of race, caste, religion or political belief.
4. Income and Property of the Society:
- All the income, earnings, movable or immovable properties of the society shall be used and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objectives only and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profit, or to any one or more of the present or the past members of the Society or to any persons claiming through any one or more of the present or the past members. No member of the Society shall have any personal claim to any movable and/or immovable properties of the society or make any profit, whatsoever by virtue of his/her membership.
5. We, the several persons, whose names and addresses are given below, having associated ourselves for the purpose described in this Memorandum do hereby subscribe our names to this Memorandum of Association and set our several and respective hands hereunto and form ourselves into a Society under Societies Registration Act 1860, as applicable to the territory of Gujarat State on this 29th day of May in the year, 2003 at Ahmedabad.
Sr. No. | Name | Address | Signature |
01 | Prof. P.B.Bhagwat | No.8, Parth Co-op Housing Society, Opp Karnavati Club, Ahmedabad 15 | |
02 | Akshay P. Bhargava | C-204, Abhiyan Appt., Behind B.V Patel Institute, Thaltej, Ahmedabad 54 | |
03 | Falguni Darshak | “EESHAN” 31, b, Shardakunj, Society, Near New Vikas Gruh, Paldi, Ahmedabad 7 | |
04 | Aniket Bhagwat | 901, Panch Tirth, Opp Aristovilla Bungalows, Ahmedabad -15 | |
05 | Dhaval Makhmalwala | 402, Samarajya Appt., Opp Manav Mandir, Gurukul Road, Ahmedabad | |
06 | Bobby Sujan | F-53, Satellite Appt., Satellite Road, Jodhpur Char Rasta, Ahmedabad | |
07 | Deepa Maheshwari | A-22, Goyal Tower, Near Jhanvi Restaurant, University Road, Ahmedabad 15 | |
08 | Rajeev Nauratra | B-402, Prerna Appt., Vastrapur Road, Ahmedabad 15 | |
09 | Mala Punwani | F-503 Tulip Gitadel, Shreyas Tekra, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad | |
10 | Shweta Agarwal | Gujarat Council of Science, City Block 11, 9th Floor, Udhyog Bhawan, Gandhinagar 11 |
1. Name of the Society
The name of the Society will be “ Indian Society of Landscape Architects”
2. Registered Office
The Registered Office of the Society shall be situated at Ahmedabad, in the State of Gujarat
3. Definitions
- 3.1 The Society means the Indian Society of Landscape Architects (ISOLA)
- 3.2 The Bye-laws means the bye –laws and regulations scheduled to these articles or such other bye – laws as shall for the time being be in force.
- 3.3 In writing means written or printed or partly printed.
- 3.4 Executive Council means the Council constituted under Rules and to which the management and affairs of the Society are entrusted.
- 3.5 “General Body” is defined as general body of the Society comprising its members.
- 3.6 Profession of Landscape Architecture /Landscape Design/ Landscape planning shall mean/include the Profession of landscape design/ landscape architecture/environmental design/planning/ environmental planning/ planning of natural resources.
4. Membership
- 4.1 Membership shall comprise the following categories
An individual/organization/company who donates to the Society of Rs. 50,000 and above shall be a Donor Member. - HONORARY MEMBER
An individual who is not in the practice of the profession of Landscape Architecture and has made distinguished accomplishments in his/her field or who has contributed significantly to the development of the profession of Landscape Architecture. - INDUSTRY MEMBER
Any firm/company engaged in the design and execution—fabrication concerning Landscape Architecture.
For details of membership categories click the following link
- 4.2. Cessation of the Membership and Readmission
- The Executive Council may terminate the member who either fails to pay the required fees or who does not comply with any of the conditions stipulated by the Executive Council in this behalf, or for any other sufficient cause.A member shall also cease to be member if he/she resigns, or criminal offence involving moral turpitude.A member who has ceased to be member of the Society, may however, be readmitted on full payment of arrears and one year’s membership fees as penalty, before being admitted as a member or on fulfillment of such other conditions as the Executive Council may lay down in that behalf.
Regional chapters may be established in accordance with by-laws and regulations prescribing geographical area and minimum numbers present at a properly convened meeting approved by the Council in writing.
The signatories to this Memorandum shall form the first Executive council. The first Executive council may have a maximum term of 24 calendar months from the date of establishment of the Society but same should co-relate with society’s year ending.
- 6.1 The Management of the affairs of the Society shall be vested in the Executive Council consisting of:
- President
- Vice President,
- Honorary Secretary
- Honorary Treasurer
- The immediate Past President
- Three Fellow/Members
- Five Associate Members
- One Donor to be nominated by the members of the Executive Council
- Representative of each Chapter (if any)
The executive council shall consist minimum of 12 members and maximum of 36 members.
The duration of the Executive Council shall be two years.
- 6.2 Only Fellow/Members shall hold office of President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer. There will be direct election of minimum seven Fellows to the Executive Council and the Fellows so elected shall proceed to electthe Office Bearers amongst themselves. Similarly the General Body will also elect five Associate Members to the Executive Council.
- The Executive Council shall meet as often as necessary but shall meet atleast once In three months. The Executive Council shall look after day today working of the Society.
- The Executive Council shall accept applications for membership and take appropriate decision regarding admission to the Society.
- Casual vacancies in the Executive Council by death, resignation or otherwise shall be filled by co-option and such co-opted members shall retire at the end of the financial year in which they were co-opted.
- Without generally affecting the powers of the Executive Council, it shall have the following powers and duties: –
- The Executive Council may regulate their own procedure and may determine their own quorum, and the same shall be recorded in the proceedings by two third majority of all the current members of the Executive Council.
- The Executive Council may delegate any of its powers to any Committee it may specially appoint, consisting of such persons whether Members of the Society or not as they think fit. Any committee so formed shall in the exercise of the powers so delegated, confirm to any regulations that may from time to time be imposed upon it by the Executive Council which cannot be delegated to any body or Committee. The Officers of the Society shall be ex-officio members of all the committees.
- The Executive Council, subject to approval by the General Body, may recommend scale of fees for professional work and to formulate rules of professional conduct.
- The Executive Council shall cause to be kept proper and sufficient accounts of the capital funds, receipts and expenditure of the Society, and to get it audited so that the true financial state and condition of the Society may at all times be exhibited by such accounts.
- 6.4.1. President
- He/She shall be the head of the Society and shall preside over and conduct all meetings of the Executive Council & the General Body. His ruling on any point or order and decisions as to result of voting shall be final and conclusive. She/He shall have a casting vote in case of a tie.
- In case of an emergency, requiring immediate attention or action, the President may adopt, In consultation with the Hon. Secretary, such measures as the circumstances may demand and shall report her/his action to the Executive Council for approval at an appropriate opportunity.
- He/She shall take necessary steps to implement all resolutions of the Executive Council and shall be free in his/her individual discretion to take action in anticipation of the approval of the Executive Council in the interest of the Society, within the scope of its aims and objectives.
- The term of office of the President shall be for 2 years and shall not exceed 2 consecutive terms except that she/he will be eligible for re-election after the lapse of one term (2 years).
- The President shall be absolved of all personal liabilities while performing his function as the President of the Society as long as it is ensured that she/he has taken due and diligent care in exercising her/his authority and responsibility.
- 6.4.2. Vice President
- In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall preside at the meeting of the society and exercise all powers of the president. .
- 6.4.3. Hon. Secretary
- He/She shall be the executive head of the Society and shall exercise general supervision and control of the Society and be in-charge of the day–to–day affairs and administration of the Society. Taking initiative and organizing and conducting the activities of the Society.
- Conducting correspondence on behalf of the Society.
- Act on behalf of the General Body and Executive Council in all matters pertaining to the Society.
- Enter into contract, approved by the Executive Council, representing the Society.
- Convening meetings of the General Body and the Executive Council in consultation with the President and issue notice and agenda for the purpose.
- Recording, presenting and maintaining the minutes of the Executive Council and the General Body meetings.
- Mobilizing funds through donor sources, membership drive, fee collection, remunerative projects and activities and other fair and respectable means to conduct business of the society and achieve its aims and objectives.
- Scrutinizing bills and payment vouchers and passing them for payment.
- Operate bank account/s as joint signatory with the person/s authorized by the Executive Council.
- All deeds of conveyance, mortgage, lease or otherwise relating to the properties belonging to the Society be signed for and on behalf of the Society by the Hon. Secretary along with the President. She/he shall keep all documents and inventory in safe custody.
- Defend or initiate any legal action as authorized by the Executive Council and sign all the documents, papers and vakalats on behalf of the Society and shall sue or be sued on behalf of the Society.
- Consult experts/advisers in regard to cases and issues that may be taken up by the Society.
- The Honorary Secretary shall be absolved of all personal liabilities while performing her/his function as the Hon. Secretary of the Society as long as it is ensured that she/he has taken due and diligent care in exercising her/his authority and responsibility.
- 6.4.4. Joint Hon. Secretary
- He/She shall assist the Hon. Secretary in all aspects of work as specified under 6.4.3 earlier.
- 6.4.5. Honorary Treasurer
- He/She shall supervise maintenance of proper accounts of the funds and assets belonging to the Society and shall be responsible to the Executive Council.
- The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining up to date membership and subscription register and she/he shall keep the Hon. Secretary informed of the details of the defaulted members in order to enable the later to take necessary action as provided.
- He/She shall assist the President and the Hon. Secretary to take necessary action to mobilize funds for the work of the Society.
- He/She shall act as a Finance Controller of the Society and shall ensure that proper systems are developed for the purpose.
- He/She shall ensure the proper deposit of all funds of the Society in a nationalized Bank or any other financial institution as approved by the Council or as per the law. All money received on behalf of the Society shall be promptly deposited in a bank within a period of three days (Bank holiday exempted).
- She/he shall be the custodian of all the movable and immovable properties of the Society and for the judicious investment of Society’s funds.
- She/he shall see that all the account books are duly audited and presented in the Annual General Body meeting.
- In the event of the Honorary Treasurer resigning from her/his post, it shall be accepted by the Executive Council only after scrutinizing the accounts up to the date of resignation and after having satisfied themselves about its correctness. .
- 6.4.6 Executive Secretary
- The Executive Council shall appoint, as and when necessary, on a full or a part time basis, a salaried Executive Secretary to manage/administer the affairs of the Society and to coordinate its work/activities. In case of such an appointment some of the administrative/operational functions and responsibilities of the Hon. Secretary and the Treasurer, as specified in the letter of appointment, shall be transferred to the employee, Executive Secretary. He/She will be responsible to the Executive Council, and report to the President or Hon. Secretary or any designated member of the Executive Council as specified in the letter of appointment.
7. Meetings
- 7.1 General Meetings
- An annual general meeting of the Society shall be held each year within six months after expiry of each financial year, on a date and time to be fixed by the Executive Council.
- Not more than fifteen months shall pass between date of one annual general meeting and that of next.
- A general meeting shall be called by the Executive Council after giving 21 days notice to all members of the Society specifying the place, day, hour and nature of general and special business to be transacted in the manner, hereinafter mentioned or in such manner as may be provided by the Society in a general meeting.
- The non-receipt of such notice by any person entitled to receive notice thereof shall not invalidate any resolution passed or proceedings taking place at such meeting.
- At such a meeting, the business to be transacted shall be as under.
- i. to adopt the annual report of the Society.
- ii. to pass audited accounts of the Society.
- iii. to appoint auditors for the financial year
- iv. to elect the Members of the Executive council as the case may be.
- v. to transact any other business of which notice has been given in the notice convening the meeting.
- 7.2. Extra Ordinary General Meeting
- All general body meetings of the Society other than the Annual General Body Meeting shall be called Extraordinary General Body Meetings and the business at any Extraordinary General Body Meeting shall be called special business.
- An extra-ordinary General Meeting must be convened at any time by the Executive Council, on receipt of a written requisition containing particulars of the business to be discussed, and signed by at least twenty professional members. If such extraordinary general meeting is not convened by the Honorary Secretary in twenty one days, it may be convened by requisition of two third members of the Society.
- Notice of an extraordinary General Special Meeting shall be sent to all categories of member at least 21 days before the meeting; the notice of the meeting shall include an agenda and drafts of any resolution to be placed before the meeting; only business arising from agenda shall be considered at the meeting
- The non-receipt of such notice by any person entitled to receive notice thereof shall not invalidate any resolution passed or proceedings taking place at such meeting. .
- 7.3. Quorum Of The Meeting
- No business shall be transacted at any General Body Meeting unless a quorum is present when the meeting proceeds to business. Unless otherwise provided, five members present in person shall be a quorum.
- If within half an hour from the time appointed for the holding of a General Body Meeting a quorum is not present, the Meeting, if convened on the requisition of Members, shall be dissolved. In any other case it shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week, at the same time and place, or to such other day and at such other time and place as the Executive council may determine, and if at such an adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for holding the Meeting, the Members present shall be a quorum
- 7.4. Chairman Of The Meeting
- The President or in his absence the Vice-President shall preside as Chairman at every general body meeting of the Society and in their absence at the meeting, the members present shall choose one of the members to be Chairman of such meeting.
- In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman of the Meeting shall be entitled to a second or casting vote.
- 7.5. Voting Rights at General Meetings
- Only Fellow and Associate Members shall have right to vote and hold office..
8. Change of Registered office
Relocation of headquarters of the Society can only be effected if a minimum of 4/5th of the voting members brings a motion to this effect, and that it is subsequently ratified by Executive Council.
9. Audit and Financial Year
- The accounts of the Society shall be audited at the close of every year and by an Auditor appointed by the Society.
- The Financial year of the Society shall be the period beginning from 1st April to 31st March next.
- The funds of the Society shall be spent for the attainment of the objectives of the Society only.
10. Assets And Funds
- 10.1 All monetary and physical assets of the Society shall be derived from:-
- Monies or physical assets as may be contributed, gifted, donated, bequeathed by any person, firm company or agency, national and international; Local, State or Central Government or their agencies or other authorities and agencies to the Society.
- All income including interest, dividend, bonus etc. derived from the Society’s Bank Accounts, investments, etc. as also the fees/honorarium received for services rendered
- All physical assets purchased or acquired from the above stated funds or otherwise acquired by the Society.
- Loans and borrowings raised on specific terms from authorized sources to conduct specific activities of the society
- 10.2 All assets of the Society may be held in the following manner in the name of the Society: –
- Funds in Banks and petty cash with authorized office bearers. On the authorization of the Executive council the Society can open bank accounts anywhere in India and the account shall be operated by any two among President, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Executive Secretary of the Society as directed by the Executive council.
- Investments in any bank by way of savings account or fixed deposit or, Public Sector Undertakings, companies authorized by competent authorities and Government Bonds, or as approved by the Executive council.
- Physical investments in the form of lands, buildings, vehicles etc.
- 10.3 All funds of the Society shall be utilized for:-
- Promotion of the objects of the Society
- General administration of the Society
- 10.4 The property, both movable and immovable, and the funds of the Society shall vest in and under the control of the Executive council
11. By-Laws and Regulations
- The Executive Council shall have full power to make from time to time such By-laws and Regulations as it shall deem necessary for the management of the Society, the conduct of its affairs, and the furtherance of its objects, as long as such By-laws and regulations do not conflict with any part of this Interim Constitution.
12. Amendment of the Constitution
- The Constitution may only be amended by resolution passed by a two-third majority of the members present on roll of the society and entitled to vote at a General Meeting of the Society, to whom due notice of the proposed amendments shall have been given.
- This constitution which includes the code of Professional Conduct, may only be amended by the resolution of two third of the professional members on the register the society at a properly convened General Meeting of the Society.
13. Settlement Of Disputes
- The Executive council may undertake the settlement of disputes, referred to it, arising amongst its members, in an advisory capacity.
14. Dissolution of the Society
- Subject to the consent of the Members of the General Body, any number not less that four-fifth of the members of the society may determine that the Society shall be dissolved forthwith or at the time then agreed upon, and all necessary steps shall be taken for the disposal and settlement of the property of the Society, its claims and liabilities according to its rules or as the Executive Council shall find expedient.
- In event of winding up or dissolution of the Society should there remain after satisfaction of all the debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall not be distribute among the Members of the Society but to any other society or societies having similar aims and objects to be determined by the Members of the Society .
The Members hereby have set their signatures to the Rules and Regulation of Indian Society of Landscape Architects.
Sr. No. | Name | Address | Signature |
01 | Prof. P.B.Bhagwat | No.8 Parth Co-op Hous Soc., Opp Karnavati club A’bad 15 | |
02 | Akshay P. Bhargava | C-204 Abhiyan Appt., B/h B.V Patel Institute, Thaltej. A’bad 54 | |
03 | Falguni Darshak | “EESHAN” 31, b, Shardakunj, Soc., near new Vikas Gruh, Paldi A’bad 7 | |
04 | Aniket Bhagwat | 901, Panch Tirth, Opp Aristovilla bungalows, a’bad15 | |
05 | Dhaval Makhmalwala | 402,Samarajya appt., Opp Manav Mandir,Gurukul Road, A’bad | |
06 | Bobby Sujan | F-53,Satellite Appt., Satellite road, Jodhpur Char rasta, A’bad | |
07 | Deepa Maheshwari | A-22, Goyal Tower, nr Jhanvi Restaurant, University road A’bad 15 | |
08 | Rajeev Nauratra | b-402, Prerna Appt., Vastrapur road A’bad 15 | |
09 | Mala Punwani | f-503 Tulip Gitadel, Shreyas Tekra, Ambawadi,A’bad | |
10 | Shweta Agarwal | Gujarat council of science city,Block11, 9th floor, Udhyog Bhawan, G’nagar 11 |