ISOLA (Indian Society of Landscape Architects) Hyderabad Chapter is happy to share the recently held WLAM (World Landscape Architecture Month) April 21 celebrations.
It was an initiative by ISOLA National across all the chapters to mainly sensitise the common public about the importance and relevance of Landscape Architect’s role in urban and regional planning, design in tune with ecology and technology.
Our ISOLA Hyd Chapter with its newly re-elected unanimous team for 2021-23 (after successful work in the last term 2018-21) and all other members took part actively in spite of severe covid restrictions to make it a success.
Please find here a short video of the WLAM activities conducted during month of April
We look forward to your constant support and participation in ISOLA Hyd Chapter activities as more good things will unravel soon.
Conducting a Rock Walk to Highlight the World's Unique Deccan Plateau Rock Outcrops in Hyderbad
+ ISOLA Hyderabad Meet, June 20,2018
The day long event was well attended by over 100 participants. They included representatives from JNAFAU, Hyderabad, principals of various schools of architecture, eminent architects and landscape architects of hyderabad, representatives from IIA, IIID, IGBC and allied landscape professionals and students as well as media persons.
Event was coincided with EC Meet, the entire Central EC Members were also present.